Saturday, December 31, 2011

39 Weeks.. Vent-alot-e

39 Weeks - 9 months prego
 Last weekend of my Pregnancy and last day of the year

Belly Shots Bellow...


As it looks.. it feels..

I feel a butt permanently sticking out on my left side and a foot on my right.
Poor thing needs room ITS JAMMED IN THERE

Im Guilty of this


We will let EVERYONE.. and I mean everyone know when we are having the baby... even the grocery bagger at Ralphs
because she requested to know when as well.

To answer the questions of those who've called or texted more than a few times this week.

1) How am I feeling - that changes hourly... Some hours I feel good, others I feel like Im walking with a large back pack  full of rocks over my bladder and if I take one more step they will all fall out. 

Water gives me acid reflux and my favorite candy is tums  I can't sleep a wink because Im so uncomfortable.. this is when people start to say "Oh just wait till baby comes"
..... this is where I say, does the  newborn baby still jump on my bladder?, make me pee 8 times a night? cause me acid reflux? give me physical pain in my abdomen and in my legs?,make me nauseated?.... NO?? great, then Ill be just fine being woken up by the love of my life  who needs love and a diaper change.. Im up as it is and will love every exhausting minute of it.

2) When are you due? - Anyday... and I can't wait till I don't get asked that 300 times a day!!! yipeeeeee

3) Is the baby here yet? - NO, I'll let you know for sure when she is.. or you'll see a million pics of her on facebook

4) When is she coming? - Only God knows, if she doesn't come out in the next few days by herself, we are inducing by the end of next week.(first week of Jan) which leads to the next answer..

5) "If you want the baby to come out.. do this.. or try that.". -  Thank you for your suggestions, but Im waiting for my doctor to return from vacation and that will be Tuesday Jan 2.
So I am not doing anything that could stimulate labor before I see the doctor. I know there are many qualified OB's out there and nurses.. but I would have spun a lotto ball with all the names and chosen one if I didn't care who I was going to see for the past 9 months and safely bring my love into this world.. That being said, I'll take mine over the others, so why rush the process when she's not in town.

6) Birth stories galore - pllllllllllllllllllllllleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee don't tell me any more birth stories, unless Im begging to hear them.

7) When can you visit the baby - I have no idea... we will let you know if we need a moment, a week or a few months off from friends and family or if we want to throw a raging baby welcoming  party.

8) "Don't do this, do that" how to raise my baby tips - Im so appreciative of all the tips, I have them all written down now and I'm so full of information that my brain may pop. Every family is different, every baby is different we will try it all.

Finally - when the baby comes I probably wont be calling anyone, I hardly use the phone as it is,  and returning voice mails.. ya.. umm I probably wont : )
Kurt will let everyone know and I will send a text  message to everyone or an email.
I don't really like to talk on phone, Im a texter, sooooooooo if I dont call you back its because Im too tired  to deal : )


Bump pics = off to Boat parade Christmas party

Because Grandma thinks a newborn should have a mercedes

This is how dad will catch all the hands free shots of the baby

Went straight to the hair salon to get my roots done after seeing this pic

4 Years ago we met right here on the Lido Isle Tennis Courts, my my has my waist band changed

This makes for a great TV tray

Relaxing on the boat.. have you ever seen such a wide waist??

Dear Santa.. wait thats not santa!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

38 Weeks.. Merry Xpectmas

38 WEEKS.. almost 39 in couple of days

Not only do I feel like this baby is cramped inside me just looking at this diagram of a 38 week babe in the womb makes it all so real that is IS DAMN CRAMPED IN THERE.. poor thing.

Her movements have lessened and now they are just more like adjustments.

Since Doc is officially out of town, I pray she stays in till first week of Jan when my doc returns.
YES YES I know I hear a million birth stories... and I MEAN A MILLION unwanted stories, about everyone having their nurses and other doc's deliver their child. I get it.. but Ill pass. I want mine and Ill do whatever it takes to have her there.

Laying down tilted up.. YEP,, thats me for another 10 days

No more INC magazine or Financial times..This is what Kurt reads at night.

  Shopping at the Mart Mix a photographer grabbed us for a set up photoshoot, Hence the no lipstick eeks... was wearing the shirt I got engaged in 2 years ago Christmas day.. alittle stretched out I'd say

Who knows who's genes will win : )

My Weekly Post it note to baby M

From our GROWING family.. to yours..


Thursday, December 15, 2011

37 Weeks.. Full Term BABY!!!

  OH BOY!.. I mean OH GIRL.. 
I could go anytime now

So Im carrying a full term baby, this is a strange feeling knowing that
I could have her any day now. I feel like I should fly somewhere or do something I may not do again or that I may not do for a VERY LONG TIME!!... But I guess Sky diving, a night out dancing on a bar in Paris is out of the question right about now.. .. DAMNIT

Here is what I imagine my bebe is doing every night..
I seriously feel weird body parts sticking out at all sides.


My Maternity book is almost full.. 
Here are some pics of my development 

My Top (from Lizzie) is stretched beyond belief.

My Striped Dress has been through a lot  this year: )

She's dropping.. YEY

What the HECK did I swallow that day!!!

From Kurt's Company's Christmas Party

YES.. I made my non maternity dress a Top

To my sweet Father to Be...

Friday, November 25, 2011

34 Weeks ..Sprinkles and Showers!!

34 Weeks... what is all that racket going on in there????

Every night like clock work around 10:45 the bebe likes to build a fort or perhaps play Jenga with my internal organs. I don't know what to think of it.

 Here is our little one's face, she has my chubby cheeks... looks like she's smiling and having fun in there.

Halloween came and gone,
I wanted to share our Halloween Costumes. For those of you who know me, know I like to make my own costumes, well Kurt and I did just that but almost passed out blowing these up.
See below

Tis the season for Showers and Sprinkles
Here are some photos of a shower thrown by some of my oldies but goodies
with a few of us who've grown up together over the years. Our lunch was at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

                     3  beautiful hosts                                 The Club



Are you exhausted yet??


 Great Dixie Jazz band and Kurts lil speech

                                            Mash Potato Bar was sooooo yummy

Got MILK Bar

The Chandelier that took me weeks to make

Also celebrating  Mom and Dads 40th.. 

The Following Day.... Spoiled Kid

 A little Video Of our fun filled evening...

                                                 A little Something for Vetrans day

I will teach this little girl to appreciate where she lives and be grateful for those who sacrifice everything for her